Wake up to your life!
Stressed? Restore energy and balance by living mindfully.
UConn Department of Internal Medicine Interns 2017
Hear from others whose lives have been changed by meditation and Mindfulness-Based Training.
If only I’d known about mindfulness in medical school, I would have been kinder to myself, more focused with my patients and enjoyed a more balanced and enriched quality of life.
- Physician
I plan to continue my practice every morning as I have done for some time. I would like to mindfully add mini-meditations during the day…bringing to mind the importance of staying compassionately close to my practice…my breath…my life.
- Nurse
You are a very gifted instructor of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. It is true, “What comes from the heart reaches the heart,” and the manner in which you instructed our class was very heart-felt. You have a wonderful wise and witty way in front of a group of people and this made the ‘learning’ part of the class very relaxing. A joy to be here! Thanks so sincerely!
- Teacher
I loved coming to the classes and sharing with everyone. I learned that I’m not alone in this world in how I feel. Other people have similar issues, problems, worries, etc. I felt people really cared about each other. I will truly treasure all the time spent with everyone. I’m going to miss this class—and Sharon being such a great leader. You have given me so many wonderful tools that will last a lifetime. Love and peace.
- Pre-school teacher
It definitely lifts the spirit when you meet people who care about others and would like to help them LIVE peacefully and joyfully. The work that you are doing is SO needed and you have a very organized, fun, understandable way of presenting it to all. Folks need to learn the easily available tools for better health and better interactions! I believe if we all can incorporate the tools you spoke of today, along with better nutrition habits, we would be on our way to peace.
- College professor
After taking Sharon’s Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction classes at West Hartford Yoga, I knew I had to share her knowledge with my co-workers at the American Cancer Society. Our staff experience highly stressful, and at times emotional jobs working with cancer survivors and volunteers to plan large scale fundraising events. Sharon not only gave us practical tools for dealing with stress, but also explained how stress manifests itself in the body so that we can become more aware of our automatic reactions to it. Sharon came to our office on a bright day in April and left a breath of fresh air in her wake.
- Development Associate
Sharon, you were so wonderful. I have never done anything like this before and you so gently guided us to re-frame our thinking and our loving. You accepted everything without judgment and helped me realize I’m normal!! And, I’m OK!! Thank you with all my heart.
- Marketing/P.R. Professional
I came to every single class and noticed a big difference in the following weeks. I was more patient, relaxed, and approachable. I feel like I really did receive the gift of a lifetime, and I can pass it on!
- Parent
Thanks for a great class. I’ve been meaning to do this for a while, and I’m glad I did it. You were very affirming of our efforts to change.
- Classical Musician
I want to remember no matter what “pops up” in my monkey mind, I can notice it…ask myself …”What am I supposed to be learning from this?”
- Therapist
Having a heart attack was a powerful message that I needed to make changes in my life so my wife and I took the stress management series. It’s made a huge difference in how I approach my day and the people I interact with.
- Lawyer
I always knew there must be another way to live, but I didn’t know how.
- Prison Inmate
In my short time meditating, I have learned that things come and go. I realize that if I react calmly and with a quiet mind, things appear clear and easier to handle. Acknowledging the experiences, let them slip by and not chase after them allows me to on some level to let go of pain, suffering, resentment, impatience and other emotions that put me in an unpleasant state of mind. I plan to keep meditating and keep learning about myself and to appreciate what is around me.
- Prison Inmate
When Mrs. Sharon first told me about keeping a gratitude journal, like anyone who’s presented with something new, I was skeptical and wondered what do I have to be grateful about? I’m in prison! With an open mind, I embraced it and gave it a shot. Now, a year later, it’s an everyday ritual of mine.
- Prison Inmate
In our time together you helped me on this path, especially as you shared your own experiences. You made it real! I hope our paths continue to cross as mindfulness becomes a part of my life.
- Dominican Sister