Wake up to your life!
Stressed? Restore energy and balance by living mindfully.

Photo by Jennifer Unver,

Photo by Jennifer Unver,
Mindfulness means being purposely aware of what is happening in the present moment — aware of your surroundings, thoughts and actions — rather than dwelling on the past or obsessing about the future. Stop allowing your everyday stresses to control you! You can learn to live mindfully.
Bring back the wow factor to your life! You have the inner capacity to deal with the stresses that life brings along your path. You also have the capacity to savor life’s joys. I’ve helped health care professionals, parents, teachers, students, therapists, inmates...people from all walks of life to learn to live a calmer, more meaningful life. I’m looking forward to helping you start your journey toward meditation and mindfulness. It will change your life.
I will be teaching meditation and mindfulness at a variety of upcoming community events. Take a look at the listing and check back often for additions. Please feel free to contact me for more information.